Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This is where it must start

I woke up at 6am this morning to find that it was a tad windy. After trying to "sleep" until my alarm went off at 6.30, I got up, got dressed and started my stretching. I knew it wasn't going to be pleasant outside, but I've been putting off training for too long, I sensed it was pretty important that I run today. I needed to set a precedent, to stop making excuses and start being disciplined again. And running on a morning where a blizzard warning had been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology was a pretty awesome way to start. And very boast-worthy.

I realised a few things as a result of today's run (beware, list ahead):

  • Running in wild weather is not so bad, in fact I kinda enjoyed it. It took my mind off the shock my body was in at running for the first time in nearly three weeks.
  • I tense up when walking in the wind. I don't when I'm running.
  • My hippie-headband thing rocks at keeping my ears warm, and doesn't make my head explode from heat like a beanie does. And it's actually colour-fast, something I wasn't expecting from a piece of fabric I bought in a coastal town for a coupla bucks. In fact I was half-expecting a blue streak across my forehead, but when I checked in the mirror afterwards - no streak!
  • I really need to stretch and run more. My legs were so tight in my pre-run stretch, and the run itself. Yoga sessions are needed.
  • My hands took around 3.5 to 4ks to warm up. I don't expect that they'll warm up at all on tomorrow morning's bike. Ouchies.
So the good news is that it has (finally) begun! I've also started planking (the core workout one, not the bogan one) and doing push-ups everyday - laying the foundation to hit the weights at the gym next week. I'm finally psyched!

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