Monday, July 18, 2011

Le Tour de.. Brendan?

Yesterday marked the beginning of the next chapter in my pursuit of what seems to be eluding me this winter - reasonable fitness. Or rather, the motivation to do what takes to attain this.

This week sees me house-sitting for my parents, which means I'm no longer within walking-distance from work (unless I leave before 6am to get to work at 9am). As a result of watching Le Tour de France for the first time this year, a combination of inspiration and ambition (and probably naivety) led me to set the goal of riding my bike to and from work this week.

To ensure I didn't bail out at the last minute, I left my car at my apartment and rode to my folks' place yesterday. Short of chucking a sickie, I had to ride this morning.

Canberra winters can be pretty brutal, and this year it has been especially cold. So I made sure I had plenty of layers: this morning I was wearing two pairs of leggings, a thermal undershirt, shorts, thick woollen socks, a woollen ski jumper, a wind-jacket, two pairs of gloves and a ski balaclava (with a sweet visor). I was well and truly ready to do battle with sub-zero temperatures.

So naturally it had been raining, was overcast, and it never got even close to sub-zero last night. In fact it was quite muggy. Plus a lot of the route to work is uphill. As a result I was way too hot. Good times.

Over-dressing aside, even though the ride this morning was pretty tough while I was doing it, my legs actually feel pretty fresh. I'm ready for the rest of the week! Although I reckon my legs may start to feel the burn towards the end of the week.

I guess the irony is that in order to ride to work and back, I'm going already in bed before Le Tour starts each night. And it's watching Le Tour that inspired me in the first place.

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